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MS 活動 | 犛牛華麗蛻變到成都,扎西得勒!




MATCH SHOWROOM presents you with "Transformation", a pop-up event we hosted, featuring SHOKAY at AnyStyleShop, in Taikoo Li, Chengdu!

- MS 活動 -

MATCH SHOWROOM 為您回顧在成都太古里 AnyStyleShop 舉辦的 SHOKAY “重生”活動。

A fulfilling Success


MATCH SHOWROOM has successfully held a pop-up event at AnyShopStyle concept store in Chengdu on the 13th of January, bringing SHOKAY to another spotlight, once again.

MS is a firm believer of sustainability, and sustainable fashion. With "Transformation" we hope to transform the public's eye and gain more insight about sustainable fashion and lifestyle, and SHOKAY brand values as a sustainable enterprise.

1月13日,MATCH SHOWROOM 如期而至成都 AnyShopStyle 買手概念店。為 SHOKAY 舉辦一場回饋 VIP 買手的時尚快閃活動,活動取得空前成功,收穫許多時尚達人的讚賞和買手的建議。

M S 從一而終是可持續發展模式的忠實追隨者,我們希望獲得大家對可持續發展更多的關注。這一次,選擇以 SHOKAY 為 “標兵”,切切實實剖析可持續發展的時尚生活方式,分享破繭成蝶的心路歷程。

Matching the Creatives


AnyShopStyle gives Chinese designers an uncomplicated platform through which to reach China’s fashion-hungry generation Z. Through MATCH SHOWROOM's intelligent bridging of AnyShopStyle with SHOKAY, we hope to provide guests with insight about sustainable fashion and living - fashion that has meaning, and its real-life benefits for our wellbeing and greater environment.

MATCH SHOWROOM strives to match and connect potential fashion platforms and reputable sustainable enterprises like SHOKAY into the market.

Through long days and nights of hard work, our team has again, brought to you a satisfying and successful event, here in Chengdu.

AnyShopStyle 專為中國資深設計師提供一個優質展示平台,通過 MATCH SHOWROOM 拼橋搭路,為 SHOKAY 和 AnyShopStyle 作智能橋接,給針對性的目標客戶提供可持續生活時尚,不僅能滿足時尚奢求,還為我們未來生活謀福祉。

MATCH SHOWROOM 作為星探,用心發掘類似 SHOKAY 等可持續的星耀品牌,為時尚買手作精準配對。

這一次,經過漫長的辛勤付出,在成都給大家做到很好的 "MATCH" (配對) 展示。

Our Gratitude


Amongst our many VIP guests, MS has also welcomed big personels, such as founders of big fashion enterprises, directors of high-end fashion labels, notable designers, and deputy director of regional foreign affairs department of Chengdu, etc. We are incredibly thankful to have so many notable personels at the event, and their utmost loving support.

MS, is eternally grateful.


MS 心存感恩,感恩現正關注我們的你!

Professional Styling


In Photograph: Ms. Zhang Rui

Additionally, we had a fashion mentor and respected stylist, Ms. Zhang Rui, who professionally managed all outfit arrangements and educated our VIP guests on with very chic yet functional styling tips! Our guests have very much enjoyed this section of the interesting talk.

Knitwear needs not to be too fancy, but instead, it has to be high quality because comfort is key.

Knitwear is a timeless trend - because, over many years, knitwear was something essential - to stay warm and to stay cozy during the chilly winter season. It becomes a necessity that many just look for, not just for ourselves, but for our family, our kids and our loved ones. In amidst of a timeless fashion piece, it has also become a symbol of care, warmth, and love.

Hence, knitwear is more than a trend. It is a "need", not just a "want".

現場還請來兼備 獨立設計師品牌的服飾主理人 和 時尚設計師 的 張睿 才女。不得不說,她還是 AICI CIC 形象顧問,現場還教導給大家許多搭配上的實用技巧。






"SHOKAY sustainably sources hand-combed yak down from the remote Himalayan highlands to bring you incredibly light and beautiful textiles with a buttery-soft texture."

Other than yak down, SHOKAY also creates clothing out of PET seawool, which are recycled PET + oyster shell composites.

SHOKAY 可持續地從喜馬拉雅高原手梳收集原生態纖維,經加工製造出比羊絨更舒適保溫的牦牛絨紡織品。

除了牦牛絨,SHOKAY 還自主研究出 Seawool 環保面料,通過回收 PET 和牡蠣殼加工製作出復合材料,得到眾多可持續企業的認可和時尚買手的選購。

Their influence


From the US, Japan, Europe and to big cities all around China like Beijing, Shanghai and now Chengdu, SHOKAY has brought an international influence to many trend setters today. Apart from their aesthetically pleasing designs, SHOKAY's brand story has enlighted many fashion lover's hearts for their strong sustainable values.

遠到國外美國、日本、歐洲,近到中國北京、上海和成都等大都市,SHOKAY 引領著國際時尚潮流。除了美觀大方的設計、精心挑選製作的面料外,SHOKAY 可持續的品牌價值也受到眾多時尚玩手的熱捧。



在這裡僅代表 MS


MATCH SHOWROOM has worked hard to manage and host this event. From each and every step to the process, we are incredibly happy to be able to bring to you this amazing and one of a kind fashion party and VIP social.

MATCH SHOWROOM 作為本次活動的主辦單位。每一個細節佈置過程,都親歷督導到位。對於活動取得的成功,我們也十分興奮。

For those who missed out on this important event, we have many other Fashion launch parties coming in the future as well. Please stay tuned for more information on our WeChat event updates! Together, let's strive for a greater value of sustainable lifestyles!




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